2007年10月17日 星期三

巴里羅切 加強國家公園、保護區自然保育 拉美各國進行集會

絕對位置:北緯55.40度 東經12.34度

會議中達成了一項政治策略信息,而這個結果將提交至拉美地區的各國政府、生物多樣性公約﹙Convention on Biological Diversity﹚以及世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN)。
世界自然保育聯盟南美區域主席羅伯特‧荷夫史迪德(Robert Hofstede)表示,「現在正是將拉丁美洲地區帶回聯合國議程的時候了。」而該組織專責技術性方面的議程。

Latin America Meets to Strengthen National Parks, Protected Areas
BARILOCHE, Argentina, October 5, 2007 (ENS)
To protect the remaining natural resources of Latin America through collaborative action, Central and South American countries and nongovernmental organizations have been meeting all this week in Bariloche at the Latin American Congress of National Parks and other Protected Areas.
Some 2,000 people, including most Central and South American environment ministers, are in attendance at the event, which is held just once every 10 years.
The outcome will be a political strategic message that will be presented to the governments of the region, to the Convention on Biological Diversity, and to the IUCN-World Consevation Union.
"It is time to bring the Latin American region back to the international agenda,"said Robert Hofstede, regional director of IUCN-South America, the organization in charge of the technical agenda.

參考資料:巴里羅切 加強國家公園、保護區自然保育 拉美各國進行集會